1 October, 2019
The analytical company Marketing Logic has prepared a report on the availability of a list of the most important services for Russians in different regions of the country. The list is made up of institutions that the average citizen needs on a regular basis. The first study focuses on the accessibility of educational facilities. More than 96% of residents of Russian cities live in close access to schools and kindergartens.
Using Big Data, which includes information about the number of residents, companies and enterprises of various profiles, government agencies, as well as geodata, experts analyzed information about the average distance for an urban resident of Russia in various regions to points of provision of various services: from clinics to theaters. The data included in the first release relates to primary and secondary educational institutions: schools and kindergartens.
«From the results that we see, we can conclude that we have a good situation with physical accessibility of schools and kindergartens for urban residents in the country as a whole. About 4% of residents live within 1 to 2 km of school and 1% within 2 to 5 km., this is quite far, and probably the regions where this happens should strive to make education more accessible, but again, within the country, the figures are rather encouraging and encouraging. We did not analyze the quality of education or the equipment of educational institutions, but the fact that children have places to study, not only in Moscow and major cities, but also in regions where there are a large number of small and remote cities, is encouraging. In the upcoming releases, we will talk about the situation with healthcare and sports facilities, and at the end of the series, we will talk about the general availability of services for Russian citizens» - says Dmitry Galkin managing partner of Marketing Logic and expert in Big Data and geomarketing
The most accessible to citizens are school and pre-school educational institutions in the Ural (97.4%), far Eastern (97.1%) and North-Western (96.9%) Federal districts (the percentage of residents living within 1 km of schools and kindergartens is indicated), followed by the Central Federal district (96.6%). With the result of 96.3% - the North Caucasus Federal district. In the Volga and Siberian districts-95.3%, in the southern-94.5%.
Kindergartens are most accessible (1 km) to residents of the Republic of Adygea (99.8%), Moscow (99.6%), KHMAO-Yugra (99.5%), Tomsk (99.5%), Vologda (99.4%) regions, Saint Petersburg (99.3%), the Republic of Komi (99.1%) and Tatarstan (99.1%), Kursk region (99.1%), Zabaykalsky Krai (99%).
The smallest share of urban residents living at a distance of 1 km from kindergartens is in the Sakhalin (92.9%), Belgorod (94.2%), Bryansk (95.4%), Pskov (95.5%), Tyumen (95.5%), Kurgan (95.5%), Arkhangelsk (95.7%), Lipetsk (95.8%), Yaroslavl (95.9%) regions, and the Republic of Khakassia (with 95.9%).
The percentage of urban residents living within 5-10 km of a kindergarten does not exceed 0.1% on average, 0.5% from 2 to 5 km, and 1.8% from 1 to 2 km.
Schools are most accessible (up to 1 km) to residents of KHMAO-Yugra (99.5%), Murmansk region (98.9%), Moscow (98.4%), Republic of Mordovia (98.3%), Saint Petersburg (98.3%), Republic of Tatarstan (98.2%), Tomsk region (98.2%), Republic of Karelia (97.9%), Irkutsk (97.8%) and Chelyabinsk (97.6%) regions.
The largest share of urban residents living more than 1 km from the school is in the Sakhalin region (17.1%), the Republic of Adygea (11.8%), Pskov region (11.3%), Krasnodar territory (11%), Novgorod (10.2%), Kursk (9.1%), Belgorod (7.9%), Tambov (7.6%), Stavropol territory (7%) and Amur region (6.7%).
The percentage of urban residents living within 5-10 km of a school does not exceed 0.1% on average, from 2 to 5 km – 1%, from 1 to 2 km – 4%.