Definition of the spatial concentrations of target groups significantly influences the efficiency of many companies. Identification of patterns of clients’ movements between their main addresses (living, work, education, food, relatives, etc.) allows to teach a predictive model and roll out the prediction over a targeted territory and business. Geo-data and spatial analysis provide effective tools to improve the quality of decisions and activities that are applicable to current and potential markets, customer acquisition and management, media-planning, sales growth, locations assessments.
Segmentation of the customer base defines the answers to the questions: what, whom, when, where and how to offer? The proper processing with customer base requires investments into big data The latter are limitless, have to be justified and returned in reasonable time. The notions of “omni-channel”, “customer care”, “service quality” have to correspond to expenses and have strong positive correlation with business results. We help to find right balance, assess limits of achievements and develop cost-of-benefit analysis of any CRM activity.
Predictive models utilizes bid data technology to predict the customer behavior and to find optimal decisions. Predictive business models use patterns, developed on the basis of data over required and sufficient and are aimed to evaluate the potentials of risks and opportunities. Models identify connections among various factors to search the best solution within a context or most business effective decision The applications of a predictive model are customers’ propensity to behave, identify best goods and services to sell, understand and minimize the causes of attrition.
The science fiction of face recognition has successfully become fully available technology. The price reduction of cameras, servers and connections, with increased quality of image processing allow to apply biometrics of faces to accurately solve various important tasks in retail, financial and security industries. We specialize on marketing, sales, customer management. All solutions that are based on face recognition are aimed to to increase the efficiency in the specified spheres of business.
All Marketing Logic products are based on powerful recourses for computing. The bigger recourses are devoted, the more useful and precise are the products. Distributed computing, control mechanisms, safety of clients’ data are the pillars of blockchain and cryptocurrency, that will broaden and improve Marketing Logic product line, introduce it to international markets and for new business spheres.
We employ the modern technologies of telemarketing, voice and speech recognition for complete automation of phone calls and conversations. The elimination of manual labor allows to work very effectively with client base to conduct surveys, researches, congratulations, run welcome and follow up calls. Full automation cuts expenses on communications by 4 – 5 times and allows to obtain qualitative data for the subsequent analysis and application.