Marketing Logic Accelerates Image Upload in Atlas GIS Interface

17 March, 2020

The analytical company Marketing Logic has expanded the capabilities of the interface of the Atlas geographic information system by updating the module that transmits the image of maps to the user's computer.

When performing any operations and calculations using Atlas maps, the updated image transfer mechanism preloads them on the company's server and sends the finished parts to the user's computer. Previously, all placemarks placed during geo analysis in the maps interface were drawn on the client side using standard yandex/leaflet api tools.

The new approach saves the user's computer resources and significantly saves time when displaying maps on the screen. The module allows you to mark and transmit up to 500,000 placemarks on the map without noticeably increasing the waiting time on the client's side.

The new module also speeds up the system performance with the "scroll by time" option, which users use, for example, for agent modeling.