RSUTS students defended their research papers based on the Atlas ML platform

16 July, 2020

Three scientific works prepared on the basis of the Atlas geoinformation system are protected at the Russian state University of tourism and service. Students explored the possibilities of geo-information services on the example of GIS Atlas in the field of medical care, banking and trade.

Within the framework of the partner program of the University and the Marketing Logic company, RSUTS students of the 43.03.01 direction - "Service" completed three final qualifying works based on the innovative development of the Russian Marketing Logic company – the Atlas geoinformation service. Topics covered include medicine, the financial market and retail: "Application of the Atlas ML geoinformation system for solving logistics problems of medical care for employees" (author Anastasia Logacheva)," Building a model for choosing the optimal solution for a Bank branch based on the use of the Atlas ML geoinformation system "(author Zhanna Sitmukhambetova), "Application of the Atlas ML geoinformation system for predicting financial indicators of premium clothing stores" (author Alina Khomyakova).

The work on degree theses passed for the 2019/2020 school year and included the study of possibilities of geographic information systems for solving various problems and challenges facing today's organizations: the development of predictive models to identify potential revenue stores, the choice of the optimal strategy for the offices of the banking network, health maintenance organization, taking into account geolocation, logistic, data on place of work, visiting patients to the most effective and least expensive aid organization. All scientific studies were rated "excellent". The certification Commission separately noted the practical significance of the works, which is not inferior to their theoretical value.

"In order to make the knowledge and competencies of graduates more applied, a significant part of the educational programs at RSUTS are practices. Of course, providing the opportunity to work with special software products, such as GIS Atlas, helped graduates to obtain the necessary professional competencies and successfully defend their final qualification papers. We hope to continue our cooperation with Marketing Logic and offer practical training in the upcoming academic year to students of the 3rd and 4th year of the bachelor's program» Larisa Sumzina, Director of the higher school of service of The Russian state University of tourism and service, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, notes the importance of cooperation between educational institutions and business.

"Russian higher education is often accused of excessive concentration on theory, "isolation" from real life, Economics and business, but we see that a lot depends on the University itself, its management and understanding of the problems of the industries where graduates will then work. Business is also interested in training personnel whose knowledge and skills do not require complete "retraining" during work, since students are already faced with really working tools. For example, GIS Atlas, which was taken as a basis by students this year – is a platform that is used for work by dozens of the largest companies in the country. Students 'research works, therefore, become not just a way to get a diploma, but an important personal case of a young professional, which will definitely distinguish him from other graduates. For our company, this work is part of our mission, which also includes holding Olympiads, hackathons, and providing free company products for educational purposes. This is the little that Russian business can do to help science, talented students and increase the level of trust in the business community, the industry, its technologies and goals" - says Dmitry Galkin, managing partner of Marketing Logic.