Rosgosstrakh has implemented "Smart maps of agency sites"

3 February, 2021

Rosgosstrakh insurance company has implemented an analytical geosystem with a smart maps interface to help insurance agents. The development increases the efficiency of the agents ' work and reflects the current picture of the insurance of objects on the scale of an individual locality and the country as a whole. Neural networks process accumulated insurance company data, geo-information, and up to 100 additional data layers. The solution is provided by the Russian analytical company Marketing Logic.

The new Rosgosstrakh geosystem "Map of agents' sites" based on the Atlas GIS shows houses and sites in the area of responsibility of each agent with a division into the status: insured in Rosgosstrakh, insured in other companies and not yet insured objects. The system includes the areas assigned to the agents, and visualization allows you to visually display the load on each agent and its effectiveness. This innovative approach with an ultra-high level of detail for the first time allowed us to create a single list of houses and land plots for insurance throughout the country and a specific locality. The platform displays the status, term, types of risk and the preliminary cost of insurance, as well as detailed information about the object. The system generates lists for" field " trips of agents with information about the house and the site, which allows you to optimize the number of trips, save time for employees and reduce financial costs. For new agents, the platform becomes a convenient tool for adaptation and professional growth.

The "Map of agents' sites" displays actual and analytical information in an interactive format with different layers of data, allows you to group, compare, select and combine data depending on the goals and objectives in the report forms accepted in the company.

The Atlas intelligent system is integrated into Rosgosstrakh's internal interaction systems and provides secure synchronization with contract and user data. The platform provides a high level of data security, which is stored in a single database and protected from unauthorized changes. From the point of view of management, the platform allows you to increase the efficiency of employees 'work, since it aggregates and provides all the necessary information in a convenient format, allowing you to assess the scope and quality of agents' actions and, if necessary, adjust their work.

"We know that the implemented solution is unique for the Russian market and gives us new opportunities for further business development, accumulates and analyzes our long — term expert experience and returns it to us in the form of quick and clear recommendations. Since 1921, the Soviet State Insurance Fund has been forming the market for home and property insurance, and its successor, Rosgosstrakh, remains the leader in real estate insurance for Russians to this day. This type of insurance is a priority for us — we are constantly developing it, offering new home insurance products and filling the existing ones with additional service options. The main distribution channel for IFL insurance policies is our agency building, and the innovative "Agency Site Maps" allow you to literally and figuratively significantly reduce the distance between the agent and the potential client. With the help of KAU, it is easier to determine the priority areas of application of efforts — territories with low coverage of insurance contracts. The map helps you calculate the real potential of each territory, plan site visits, and attract additional resources if necessary. This is a significant saving of our employees ' time, which they can devote to customers and business development." – says Elena Belousenko, a member of the Management Board of Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company.

The first experience of implementing KAU in regional branches of Rosgosstrakh showed a high interest of agents and sales managers in using the new tool both for expanding a new business in property insurance, and for renewing contracts with customers who had previously been insured in the company. In addition to the functionality of the complex, Rosgosstrakh employees note its interface, ease of use and clarity.

"Data visualization and interactive map of the Atlas system is an absolute advantage over standard CRM and analytical systems, but our task and the wish of the oldest insurance company in Russia was to implement a full-fledged and extremely customized analytical intelligent system with elements of AI and machine learning, which, based on big data, data on employee profiles and capabilities, transport infrastructure and real estate data, would offer agents solutions based on a detailed and at the same time fast analysis of all these factors. This is exactly the kind of intelligent business assistance system that we have implemented with our colleagues at Rosgosstrakh" – Dmitry Galkin, Managing partner of Marketing Logic developer company, describes the capabilities and advantages of the Atlas system.