15 September, 2021
Based on medicines pharmacy sales data in Russia for 2020 provided by the DSM Group research company, the analytical company Marketing Logic has compiled an interactive map of drug sales in the regions of the country.
According to DSM Group, the best-selling drugs and pharmacy products in Russia in terms of the packages number per year are (TOP-10): citramone (more than 77.5 million units), paracetamol (72.3 million units), acetylsalicylic acid (56.9 million packs), bactericidal patch (44 million packs), omeprazole (36.7 million packs), ceftriaxone (29.3 million packs), chlorhexidine (16.5 million packs), activated charcoal (10.8 million packs), naphthyzine (10.1 million packs), Corvalol (9.3 million packs).
At the same time, the distribution of the best-selling drugs and pharmacy products across regions is uneven. The map shows drugs and pharmacy products that are in the TOP-5 by the sales number in packages in at least one region of Russia. Some of them occupy leading positions practically throughout the country, some - only in certain regions. And in each region the TOP-5 drugs and pharmacy products are different, which creates a different analytical picture for each drug and product on a national scale.
For clarity, on the map, the sales figures for each drug and pharmaceutical product are marked with varying intensity colors, depending on the gradation in terms of sales in packages. The sales volume equal to zero means that the region does not include the entities number where the selected drug is included in the TOP-5 in terms of sales in packages, therefore its data is not indicated on the map.
For example, sales of chlorhexidine are included in the TOP-5 only in 7 regions of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, the republics of Tatarstan and Udmurtia, Yaroslavl and Kirov regions. Sales of naphthyzine are included in the TOP-5 already in 10 regions. At the same time, sales of acetylsalicylic acid are among the five best-selling drugs in packages in more than 60 regions of the country.
“Data visualization is one of the visual tools that allows users to quickly see the drug sales differences in the geographic characteristics. To build a strategy for promoting your products in a specific region, the ratings by packages presented on the interactive map are also taken into account. Of course, similar distributions in terms of value and the average cost of a package are also interesting. An interactive map allows you to immediately see the regions that are similar and they can be grouped in order to further apply the same promotion strategy in them ”, - says Sergey Shulyak, CEO of DSM Group, about the using data possibilities.
“Thanks to the data provided by DSM Group colleagues, we can clearly see the sales distribution of various drugs and pharmacy products on a national scale. I think it will be interesting to see not only manufacturers and distributors, but also a wider audience. Somewhere the sales level reflects a higher standard of living and the medicines availability, somewhere its regional or cultural characteristics and habits, perhaps the representation degree of the hospital segment and the medicine development level in general matters. Analytical conclusions can be different depending on who interprets them and from what point of view," - says Dmitry Galkin, Managing Partner of Marketing Logic.