2 December, 2021
On 30 November, on a live broadcast, Alfa-Bank held the Alfa Digital Open, the largest online forum on digital technology at Alfa-Bank. Alfa Digital's expert team shared how they were working with digital technology and what innovations they were implementing.
In the section "Offline digital service technologies. Phygital: the new service format!" Elena Tyatenkova, Head of the bank's Network Development and Transformation Department, and Damir Battulin, Head of the Online Development Department, presented Alfa-Bank's new concept of office transformation into an integrated Phygital format, where digital technology is abundantly yet seamlessly incorporated into the "physical" format so that the real world becomes part of the digital ecosystem and vice versa. For the bank, this format offers almost unlimited opportunities to interact with the customer, digitize this information, improve services based on the data received, and personalize services to a high level.
Atlas GIS and the Geonet module are the backbone of the in-bank Integral Location Index system. Atlas GIS provides data analysis, predictive calculations, and accurate geo-analysis of over 5000 parameters on a nationwide scale and also provides the visual part, i.e. the interface.
"It all starts with selecting a point on the map because the office network has to be as customer-friendly as possible while also being efficient from a business point of view. We use our expertise in geo-analytics. The exact name of the system is "Integral Location Index". It is a very advanced system. It's one thing to find one or two locations for moving or opening an office, but it is something else to undertake the transformation of a large bank like Alfa. The system allows you to combine the machine's virtually unlimited ability to navigate through transformation scenarios in a city and the experts' opinions. For example, Novosibirsk is a city with a population of over one million. The system proposed over 20 million scenarios, and 10-15 of them were submitted to experts for final approval. All this is thanks to the fact that we use over 5,000 variables, from classic data obtained from telecom operators to exotic and unique layers obtained using computer vision. All of this allows us to open up at an incredibly high rate." Damir Battulin
"We are very pleased to see the performance and interface of GIS Atlas in Alfa-Bank's presentation on the development of its network of offices in the new "phygital format. Firstly, of course, we admire the courage of the bank to implement such a large-scale network transformation project. What matters here is not just the number of offices but also the quality of the transformation and the degree of digitalisation. Secondly, we are certainly pleased to be an important part of this project, to share our technology and expertise in geo-analytics. On a more global level, it feels great to know that geo-technology has become an integral part of the service model of the modern office and other point-of-sale formats." Dmitry Galkin, Managing Partner, Marketing Logic