Alfa Bank's network digital transformation project wins RB Digital Awards 2022

15 February, 2022

The RB Digital Awards 2022 announced the winners for the best digital transformation cases. The winner in the Operational Excellence category is a project by Marketing Logic's client and partner, Alfa-Bank's Phygital Format Branches.

The Alfa-Bank's case is a story of the successful implementation of a fundamentally new Phygital format of branches, which is a combination of physical and digital service channels. To model and build an optimal network of the new format offices, the bank used a network "digital twin" approach, where virtual digital copies of the offices are created, tens of millions of different scenarios and their combinations are considered, and the best ones are selected.

As a technological platform for creating such a twin, the bank used the Geonet service, based on Marketing Logic's proprietary Atlas geographic information system. This service made it possible to swiftly aggregate all the data that the joint team of the bank and Marketing Logic wanted to bring together.

"The projection is built from the bottom up, from the smallest components to the overall economy of the network and the bank's profitability. All calculations are carried out first and then translated into money, which makes it possible to assess each component and stage from a financial point of view: both investment and return. Once the requirements and checklists for premises are entered into the system, we obtain a realistic, targeted plan for the network's development. All the reasoning behind every action is there from the beginning, and the system gives realistic suggestions. Given the size of the financial institution, this saves several months for the bank's specialists.” Dmitry Galkin, Managing Partner, Marketing Logic, commenting on the project.

The Geonet system perceives an office as a set of modules combined into a single financial model. Hence, it makes recommendations not just for branches, but for individual modules, employees, space and other parameters, with the level of detail the bank wants to see. Network transformation includes the digital ecosystem, ATMs, and new office formats as ways to support and serve. The project is moving from a product and feature set to office content within the bank's phygital concept.

"We congratulate the whole team of Alfa-Bank and personally the Head of the Network Management Department, Elena Tyatenkova, who led the project, on the milestone and well-deserved award. We are very pleased to work with professionals of such a high calibre and are pleased that our solutions and services help the bank to build an ultra-modern network in a new format, and to receive high market expertise and set trends in the banking industry." Dmitry Galkin, Managing Partner, Marketing Logic