Marketing Logic develops a comprehensive geo-information system for pharmaceutical distribution and sales

8 September, 2022

Marketing Logic has developed a comprehensive drug distribution and sales system for the Novartis pharmaceutical company. The use of geo-marketing technology and big data analytics helped increase sales and drug availability for patients.

Marketing Logic, a Russian analytics company specializing in geo-information technology and data analysis, has developed a high-tech platform based on Atlas GIS for the Novartis pharmaceutical company. The implemented system ensures a smooth and targeted supply of medicines to patients and reacts flexibly to changing needs. Geodata analysis, as well as information on infrastructure, sociodemographic characteristics of districts and neighbourhoods, and data on the density and location of healthcare facilities, pharmacies and pharmacy chains, combined with the information from the company's medical representatives, make it possible to project demand for each pharmacy link and identify the true need for a drug. The capacity of hospitals and clinics and patient profiles are also taken into account. If required, the interface displays various indicators in the most intuitively understandable "heat map" format.

The solution analyses demand and keeps targeted records of patient needs to ensure quick delivery of pharmaceuticals in the required quantities to pharmacies and pharmacy chains, reducing the time patients wait for their medication. The implemented solution also reduces stock levels in pharmacy chains and reduces the financial and time costs for all participants in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Therefore, the platform also reduces the ecological footprint by reducing the potential volume of unused inventory stocks.

For patient convenience and to make navigation possible, the platform features a mobile app for patients with a geo-tracker. The app shows the availability of the medication at the nearest pharmacy, builds the best route and allows you to order the pharmaceuticals to your home if needed and if storage conditions allow.

“Novartis is a very responsible partner. In the two years we have been working on the project, we have always kept in mind the stringent requirements for the predictive accuracy of our models and analytics, as well as the social importance of the project. We see the task of providing Russian patients with affordable medicines as one of the most important ones, and we are ready to continue working in this direction so that as many people as possible can get the medicine they need quickly, wherever they are.”, - Dmitry Galkin, Managing Partner, Marketing Logic.