7 March, 2018
By the International women's day, Marketing Logic analyzed data about the infrastructure that works for the female audience: cosmetics and perfume stores, jewelry stores, beauty salons and flower shops. For most of the indicators top place got– Krasnodar region, outsiders were Orel and Magadan region.
An interactive map of Russia with data for each subject shows how many residents are accounted for each shop.
The greatest concentration of shops of cosmetics and perfumery is in Krasnodar Krai, then go Kirov, Kursk, Novosibirsk, Smolensk regions. Least of all shops are in the Jewish Autonomous region, Magadan region, Republic of Khakassia, the Kamchatsky Krai and the Orel region.
The least jewelry stores for each resident is in the Orel region. Next are the Magadan region, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, the Republic of Adygea and Khakassia.
By the number of beauty salons per inhabitant leads Krasnodar region, than follow by Pskov, Kursk, Moscow regions and Moscow city. With a small margin follow the Kaliningrad region and St. Petersburg.
The least beauty salons for every resident are in Magadan, Orel, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chukotka Autonomous district and Kalmykia.
To please women with flowers is easiest for men from the Pskov region. Further, the number of stores for each resident is followed by the Kaliningrad region and the Krasnodar Krai. Next are Kursk, Kirov regions, Republic of Mari El, Tambov and Leningrad regions.
The most difficult thing to buy flowers for women for the holiday is in Kabardino-Balkaria, Magadan region, the Republic of Adygea, Orel region and the Kamchatka territory.
"On behalf of Marketing Logic I congratulate all women of Russia with a wonderful spring holiday and wish you love, happiness and once again I admire the ability to look beautiful regardless of the search results. It remains only to remind Oryol men, as well as gentlemen from Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Magadan regions and Kamchatsky Krai, that, unlike residents of the Pskov and Kaliningrad regions or the Krasnodar Territory, it would be better for them to buy flowers in advance – according to our statistics, this is not everywhere so easy to dosays Marketing Logic managing partner Dmitry Galkin.
When analyzing the data and drawing up the map, extrapolation methods, Rosstat information and Marketing Logic's own Data Mart for the largest cities of each subject (from 50,000 residents) were used.