Marketing Logic introduces QR code geo-service for patients to the pharmaceutical market

12 April, 2023

Marketing Logic, an analytics company specializing in geo-analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence systems, has introduced a GIS service with QR code generation for patients to improve Patient Journey Map. In the pilot study groups of the service, annual pharmaceutical sales results are 3.5 times higher than the benchmark.

The new service aims to improve the quality of service for patients and optimize the pharmaceutical purchase funnel. The solution is a platform with an application (web/mobile) and a built-in geo-module, which uses a QR code issued by the doctor to find the nearest pharmacies with the required medication and build the shortest route to them. Thanks to the app, patients can choose their favourite pharmacy, go straight there to buy the medicine, schedule a visit in the calendar or order the drug on the pharmacy's website if the pharmacy provides this option.

The app allows the users to set a reminder for purchasing a new medication pack and for the time of taking the medication and displays the availability of the medication in the pharmacy's stock. The platform helps the patient quickly and easily purchase medicine from the pharmaceutical category prescribed by the doctor. If the INN is unique, the app will display the specific drug. For pharmaceutical companies, the platform collects unique data for further sales analysis and distribution chain building, as well as shows the performance of field staff. The non-personalized ID data of each QR code makes it possible to link a prescription issued at a healthcare facility with the purchase of a drug in a pharmacy, regardless of the area of purchase. This way, a pharmaceutical manufacturer or distributor can assess the efficiency of "last mile" processes before the drug is sold and optimize stock levels, cooperation with pharmacies and pharmacy chains, prospects and results of interaction with health care facilities.

"The 3.5-fold increase in sales in the control group indicates that we have indeed achieved better accessibility and convenience for patients and reduced the time it takes to purchase a pharmaceutical from the moment the prescription is received. The geo-service used in the study makes it possible to simultaneously assess several parameters of the supply chain and sales funnel for pharmaceuticals: the timeliness of drug delivery to pharmacies, the performance of medical representatives, the popularity of the drug category among doctors and patients, and the geographic availability of pharmaceuticals for patients in pharmacies. Such support for patients can be effective and help all participants in the market. We ourselves are impressed with the results of the pilot project, which was conducted during the year, and we consider this solution an important social tool.”, - Dmitry Galkin, Managing Partner, Marketing Logic.

The Mobile App of the patient information service is adapted for all major types of modern smartphone operating systems, integrated with the familiar Yandex.Maps interface and allows for an unlimited number of pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals.