21 December, 2023
Otkritie bank has increased business automation by implementation of a fully autonomous solution for analyzing and assigning tasks in corporate sales. The evaluation of efficiency and planning were entrusted to artificial intelligence. According to the results of the first months of operation, the AI platform has confirmed its effectiveness. The number of salary contracts concluded in 2023 increased 2.6 times. Sales of corporate clients' salary cards increased 8.6 times. The new solution has become part of the MLead analytical AI system already installed in the bank and is based on the work of blocks that process the department’s target indicators, as well as all incoming data on the work of employees, their role and the volume of tasks for the week, month, quarter and year. The system takes into account the readiness of each employee to start work and distributes tasks according to their priority. The functionality of the program operates in all regions and time zones where employees are present and takes these parameters into account when drawing up a plan and schedule.
The initial settings during implementation determine the maximum and minimum capabilities of each employee for the system depending on their position, KPIs for calls and meetings, as well as the parameters by which their effectiveness is assessed. Then the system itself determines and distributes the volume of tasks and monitors the status of their implementation. The prioritization process, for example, selecting companies from a database of target clients, is organized in such a way that there are no “gray areas” in the list that would receive insufficient attention from specialists.
An analysis of the work of the new task assignment system for more than two thousand managers of the bank's corporate sales department throughout Russia showed that the AI solution increased the speed and effectiveness of achieving business goals. According to statistics, year-on-year, excluding the seasonality factor, the use of an AI task assignment system increased the number of salary contracts concluded in 2023 by 2.6 times, and sales of salary cards to corporate clients by 8.6 times. The decision also significantly affected the distribution of the "efficiency" of working hours in the context of the week, leveling them at the expense of "sagging" days and pulling them up to the average maximum.
“We are constantly improving the efficiency of the corporate sales department, and automation has already borne fruit for us - two years ago we reported a 20% increase in sales volume after the full implementation of the MLead platform. Now, thanks to the new module, we can go even further and monitor the effectiveness of operational tasks in almost real time, with detail down to one working day. As a manager, I would specifically highlight the advantage of the platform: in the case of illness, absence, or dismissal of an employee, the system immediately distributes any functionality in an optimal and efficient manner among other employees, without significantly increasing the workload, but also without losing tasks. Here, AI is much more effective than “manual” tracking. In addition, AI-assignment of tasks, whether it is a call, a meeting or another action with a contract, updates all our data and maintains it in this state constantly - the system simply does not “skip” a task if some inaccuracy remains,” says Dmitry Krishtopa, Senior Vice President, Director of the Corporate Sales Department of Otkritie Bank.
AI distribution of tasks has already brought significant results, while the platform continues to learn and improve decision-making mechanisms in the process of its work. Multiple growth became possible thanks to the digitalization already carried out in the bank, where a unified data ecosystem allows for in-depth analysis at every stage of all important business processes.
"For us, the new solution for Otkritie is an important step in an integrated approach to task automation in general. Due to the fact that the previously implemented work automation system for field employees has shown its high efficiency, directly reflected in the financial performance of the bank, the team entrusted us with the implementation of a new solution. And here I can note that such innovations always give a synergistic effect, because they complement and enhance the processes that affect each other. Our task here is to free up human resources as much as possible by removing from them the routine or complex functionality of calculations, determining optimal dates, ratios, routes, tracking tasks, i.e. all that artificial intelligence already does many times better than humans. Of course, this has a noticeable effect on business and gives a great advantage over competitors," says Dmitry Galkin, Managing partner of Marketing Logic.