Marketing Logic presented the B-Travel connector at the Corteos Forum

5 April, 2024

Marketing Logic took part in the Corteos Forum, the largest offline event of the IT company Corteos in the last five years. The Forum brought together business trip managers, administrative directors, HR and finance experts. The Marketing Logic team presented at the forum its new development, which is the B-travel system - a modern RPA-system for data transmission, integrated into the Corteos Platform digital ecosystem.

The B-Travel solution online robotizes data transfer processes: receives, processes and transcodes information and sends it to service providers and back, as well as to the client’s accounting systems: the connector “captures” through the API all necessary types of data, converts them into the required format, for example , in JSON for 1C systems. Using the same scheme, the solution transmits data to other modules and accounting systems in the required format.

When working with 1C, the data immediately falls into the "Trade Management" module, as well as into the "1C Accounting" module for the formation of the expenditure and revenue side and closing documents. With the simultaneous use of electronic document management between the agency and the client, as well as the simultaneous use of B-Travel connector between the agency and the Corteos platform, a completely 100% electronic exchange of all data is ensured from the moment of placing an order to the formation and sending of accounting documents.

Learn more about the B-Travel system.