News and Press Releases

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AI technologies development trends in 2024

Digital transformation is rapidly evolving. Despite the controversial issues surrounding safety and ethics, this year we have seen how AI technologies have impacted not only the way companies operate, but have become a constant presence in many people's careers and lives.... learn more

Otkritie bank has implemented AI planning and increased sales of salary cards by 8.6 times

Otkritie bank has increased business automation by implementation of a fully autonomous solution for analyzing and assigning tasks in corporate sales. The evaluation of efficiency and planning were entrusted to artificial intelligence.... learn more

Cashdrive service launched underwriting with GIS and AI technologies

Cashdrive is an online loan service secured by a car. The company launched a new underwriting system - risk assessment before issuing a loan. Cashdrive's new underwriting takes into account the geography of vehicle operation and uses artificial intelligence to assess risk.... learn more

Marketing Logic took part in the forum "Barcamp – 2023

The Marketing Logic team presented its geo-expertise and told about the analytics and application of big data in various business areas at the business forum in the field of technology and innovation Barcamp "National Technology Revolution 20.35" in St. Petersburg.... learn more

ELTECH and Marketing Logic presented an innovative tool for the detection of tuberculosis

Expert Laboratory Technologies (ELTECH) and the analytical company Marketing Logic have developed a specialized complex «IGRA-TB», which includes software that allows detecting the immune response to tuberculosis with high accuracy and automatically interpreting obtained results. ... learn more

Marketing Logic «taught» smartphones to assess employee attention and detect «burnout»

The analytical company Marketing Logic has developed a specialized HR-tech service MedLab for testing employees and detecting «burnout», signs of fatigue, stress and decreased concentration at an early stage. ... learn more

Russian State University of Tourism and Service graduates defended their final qualification works in front of Marketing Logic experts

CEO of the Marketing Logic analytical company Dmitry Galkin headed the state attestation commission for bachelor graduates of the "Service" direction of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service. Thus, the work of students was evaluated, among other things, in terms of their practical value and relevance by business and the economy.... learn more

Marketing Logic presents geo-analytics solutions at RAPM meeting and pharma business breakfast

On 27 June, at the business breakfast "Compliance, Event and Pharmaceutical Company Visits Efficiency in 2023" hosted by Skolkovo Foundation Marketing Logic, present the opportunities and practical lessons learned from the use of geo-analysis to improve efficiency of medical representatives: "The new level of efficiency of medical and pharmaceutical representatives' visits through precision AI geo-profiling."... learn more